Exotic Animal Care
Whenever our clinic is open, we have a competent exotic animal veterinarian available for your pet’s care. We routinely take laboratory samples, administer intravenous fluids/medications, perform surgery on, and anesthetize our clients’ unusual pets. Minimizing patient stress is our priority. Come and benefit from our experience. Annual examinations are strongly recommended for all pet species. Individually listed are some of the species more commonly seen here at the Animal Hospital of South Gorham, but call ahead… there are quite a few other animals that we haven’t listed but will also examine.

Dr. Mulski and Dr. Niedermeyer have spent over twenty years caring for the pet bird population of Maine. Besides taking extra coursework and rotations during university studies, they both routinely attend continuing education seminars on avian medicine and are in contact with several avian specialists. For the past fifteen years, they have owned upwards of twenty birds at any given time. We receive many referrals from local veterinarians. We are comfortable taking laboratory samples from your pets and performing carefully monitored anesthesia and surgery. Endoscopic examinations are readily available. We are happy to treat pet birds (psittacines, passerines, etc.), raptors (including working falcons), and poultry. Dr. Don Harris from Miami is a well-known avian specialist who has referred several of his “snowbird” clients to our practice.
We routinely examine a wide variety of snakes, lizards, and chelonians (turtles and tortoises). Let us help you overcome the problems inherent in keeping these species healthy despite a northern climate.

These little bandits make delightful companions. Here at the Animal Hospital of South Gorham, we are able to care for all of your ferret’s needs from routine vaccinations and heartworm prevention to bilateral adrenalectomy and cancer treatments. Trust our experience and gentle handling.
These are some of our sweetest patients. Our hospital is among the few in New England that routinely intubate rabbits during general anesthesia. We are well equipped and capable of providing the treatments necessary to maintain the dental health of this challenging species.

Pocket Pets
This category includes Guinea pigs, rodents, chinchillas, and degus. We enjoy assisting our clients with these diminutive creatures. Appropriate husbandry helps to avoid common illnesses and increase longevity.
In our area, sugar gliders are the most commonly seen in this group. Diet and handling recommendations can increase your enjoyment and help to limit your pet’s stress.

Pet Farm Animals
Although we do not routinely offer farm calls, we are happy to see sheep and goats at our hospital. Dr. Niedermeyer has shown his Oberhasli dairy goats at the Cumberland fair for the past five years, and we fully understand the care involved. We offer closely monitored general anesthesia and pain management for the care of your friends.
Dr. Niedermeyer takes a particular interest in pet fish and can help you with the careful management of your aquarium.