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Dentistry Services
Dental Care: Resources
Advances in veterinary dentistry allow us to keep your pets healthier. It has been well established that oral infections lead to liver, kidney and lung infections. Recent studies have linked chronic gingivitis (infected gums) to pancreatic cancer in people.
Most dogs and cats need to start routine dental cleanings at between 4 and 8 years of age. These can be earlier in some breeds (particularly toy dogs and purebred cats). Dentistries are usually performed annually, but good home dental hygiene practices can help to decrease the frequency to every two years. A thorough dental cleaning is done under general anesthesia. Awake procedures rarely address the disease, as subgingival cleaning cannot be thorough. Often scaling alone leads to further advanced disease unbeknownst to the owner.
Our staff perform careful anesthesia under constant veterinary supervision. We routinely anesthetize cats over fifteen years of age and dogs over twelve years. Owners often report a return of appetite, vigor and well being that they haven't seen for years. Your pet will be returned to you with fresh breath and clean, healthy teeth. We use radiographs (x-rays) to assess questionable teeth. Please ask our staff to demonstrate home care techniques and products.
Dr. Niedermeyer and Dr. Mulski have a particular interest in exotic animals and their care. Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas can have overgrown molars and/or incisors which can adversely affect their health. Our veterinarians regularly attend conferences to ensure that we offer you the best possible care. Specialized dental instruments facilitate and speed dental trims. We are experienced with catheter placement, intubation and general anesthesia of many exotic species.
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